Posts Tagged ‘Health Plan Management System’
CMS’s Plan Benefit Package (PBP) Software—Technical Redesign Coming to HPMS
CMS is modernizing its Plan Benefit Package (PBP) bid submission module for Contract Year (CY) 2024 Going live on April 7, 2023—the new web-based Plan Benefit Package (PBP) Software Technical Redesign will live within the Health Plan Management System (HPMS) and include updates to the user interface and data entry workflow. In previous years, users…
Read MoreHow to Ensure a Successful Triennial Network Adequacy Review
CMS monitors compliance with Network Adequacy Standards on a triennial basis. Every three years CMS requires a plan to upload its full-contract-level network into the Network Management Module (NMM) in Health Plan Management System (HPMS). When selecting contracts for the triennial review period, CMS pulls from the list of active contracts—primarily based on when the…
Read MoreAn Inside Look at Plan Benefit Package (PBP) Software
Health plans have a variety of uses for plan benefit information: CMS bid review and approval, Medicare Plan Finder, member materials (such as ANOCs, EOCs, and SBs), customer service, sales, appeals and grievances, claims, and more. However, this information is typically housed in multiple locations and managed independently with “no centralized source of truth”, making…
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