Section 508 Compliance Simplified.
It’s challenging to be simultaneously competitive, efficient, and effective in the complex world of Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial health insurance. CODY® 508 remediation services efficiently and cost-effectively create 508 compliant PDFs from your plan documents that exceed required government and industry standards – saving you time and money.
CMS Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines require that all Medicare Advantage plans and Part D sponsors have websites that are compliant with web-based technology and information standards for people with disabilities, as specified in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. These guidelines extend to PDF files published to your website. Though CMS publishes best practices for remediating PDF documents to meet Section 508 standards, it remains a tedious and complex process. But with CODY® single-source offering, there’s no reason you can’t simplify it.
Integration Into the CodySoft® Suite
Through our CodySoft® Collateral Management Module®, documents are developed with 508 compliance in mind by maintaining all special formatting tags and structures from original templates throughout the processing of the final, plan versioned files. After each document receives final approval for print and website usage, CODY® efficiently and cost effectively creates the final 508 compliant PDFs for online publishing.