How Can a “Single-Source Solution” Help Manage the Lifecycle of Member Communications?

Document Management System (DMS) used to store, search and manage review process and users for corporate files and information in enterprise. Concept with business manager pointing to icons.If you are tasked with the challenge of managing the lifecycle of Member Communications—you likely need an efficient "Single-Source Solution” to help.

Managing multiple vendors for document development & creation (ANOCs, EOCs, SBs/SOBs/SBCs, Pre & Post Enrollment materials), translations, Section 508 remediation, directories & formularies, as well as the sourcing of member communications print & fulfillment, can make an already complicated process even more complex and risky.

Miscommunication during hand-offs can quickly result in finger-pointing, making CMS deadlines difficult, if not impossible to meet. Not to mention content errors that can lead to costly errata, corrective actions, and non-compliance.

Thankfully, there’s an easier way to manage the entire process – literally from end-to-end.

CODY® Single-Source Solution:

Created specifically for the health plan industry. By leveraging our CodySoft® platform and the Allied Central Dashboard™ (ACD), we provide health plans with a streamlined, technology-driven process to manage the entire lifecycle of Member Communications from document creation to distribution and tracking of all mandated member materials.

Document Translation, Transcription, and Remediation: Accessibility and Alternate Formats

  • Translation Services for all document types are managed by CODY® Medicare & Medicaid subject matter experts. Extensive glossaries of industry & plan-specific phrasing and terminology increase accuracy. Our CodySoft® automation software and unique parallel process allow 90+% of translations to be completed in advance of final English document approvals—saving significant time over traditional methods.
  • Section 508 Remediation Services create compliant, accessible PDFs from your final plan documents—ANOCs, EOCs, Formulary, Pharmacy & Provider Directories, SBs, and Enrollment Forms—that exceed the Revised 508 Standards and are compliant with the ICT Final Rule.
  • Braille, Large Print, and Audio Transcriptions are available for mandated materials in all languages, including fulfillment of member requests for these alternate formats.

Allied Central Dashboard™ (ACD): Member Fulfillment, Reporting, and Analytics

  • The ACD is a web-based command & control system custom-designed for health plans and their specific marketing materials delivery process. The ACD supports real-time workflow visibility from data processing through print and includes piece-level tracking and reporting.
  • Provider/Pharmacy Directory Programming and On-Demand Fulfillment are custom-designed to support Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial plans. “Geocoded” directories are radius-based & member-specific to provide a better member experience while saving costs on print and postage.
  • Mandated Materials Print & Fulfillment is provided through the ACD and coupled to a national network of authorized HIPAA compliant print/letter shops—created to manage critical member communications from beginning-to-end. Redundancy & Contingency planning ensures delivery. CODY® Medicare-specific QC/QA processes and enhancements ensure materials are printed and mailed on time, every time.
  • Electronic Fulfillment & Member Communications Management gives plans one platform to manage & support customer service with real-time visibility from opt-in to analytics. A personalized home page provides members easy access to electronic materials specific to them.

Sales & Marketing Exchange™ (SMX): Online Ordering & Fulfillment

  • SMX is an online marketing material “storefront” created to give Marketing & Sales teams better control in managing the print and distribution process for Pre-Enrollment Sales Kits, Plan Comparisons, Enrollment Forms, Presentation Materials, and custom producer-personalized marketing materials.

To find out how CODY® single-source solution can help your health plan operate more efficiently, mitigate risk, and deliver a better experience to serve plan members, please contact us to learn more or schedule a demo.

About CODY: CODY® works with more than 70 government-funded, commercial, and ACA health plans across 47 states and Puerto Rico. We help align internal operations with CMS guidelines to improve regulatory compliance and streamline member/provider communications across the enterprise. CodySoft®, our proprietary suite of software is designed specifically for health plans.