Two New CodySoft® Modules Launch
Continuing to lead the charge in developing innovative solutions for health plan compliance issues, Cody Consulting recently launched two new CodySoft® modules: the Policy and Procedures Module™ and HPMS Memo Module™.
Developed specifically for health plan compliance departments, the CodySoft Policy and Procedures Module™ allows health plans to streamline the creation, approval, distribution, communication, comprehension and certification of a health plan’s policy and procedure documents.
Users can quickly create policy and procedure documents and manage the review and update process with complete control. In addition, the tool helps compliance departments to effectively communicate policy information throughout the organization and ensure that all employees have reviewed and provided the necessary acknowledgements and/or approvals. For documents that require comprehension testing, the tool not only captures the scores of those who have completed testing, but helps to ensure compliance through reporting that identifies those that have not yet provided the required acknowledgement or attestation. Click for more on the Policy and Procedures Module™.
The CodySoft HPMS Memo Module™ helps streamline the review, organization and response to HPMS memos issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The HPMS Memo Module™ notifies health plans when new standard memos are released by CMS and automatically includes them in the organization’s database. For memos specific to the individual health plan, the tool also allows users to upload documents to the database for future reference.
In addition, the tool allows authorized users to update and track required responses and due dates, and create assignments for memos that require action from the health plan. Built-in escalation processes can also be launched to proactively notify key stakeholders of required due dates and ensure that the plan is compliant with the latest and most accurate information from CMS. Click for more on the HPMS Memo Module™.