CMS Reposts CY2023 ANOC & EOC Models

On August 1, CMS reposted the revised Contract Year (CY) 2023 Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and Evidence of Coverage (EOC) models due to several identified issues. CMS distributed its “Model Notice Corrections” memo the following day, highlighting many of the changes.

This is the first time since 2018 that CMS has provided revised models following the initial release date.

View the revised CY23 models here:

Notable Changes Include:

  1. Addition of missing content within the HMO MA, PPO MA, and PDP EOC models
  2. Insertion of Coverage Gap Stage language within the Part D EOC section “How Medicare calculates your out-of-pocket costs”
  3. Revised language within the EOC section “Asking for coverage decisions prior to receiving services”
  4. Updated Social Security Office business hours
  5. Grammar, punctuation, and section references edits
  6. Addition of “prior authorization” as an example of a change to be captured in the ANOC Medical Benefits Changes chart
  7. Minor edits to the EOC Medical Benefits charts

Please note, this is just a summary of the notable changes. All plans should review the models closely for any and all changes or updates.

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About CODY: CODY® works with over 70 government-funded, commercial, and ACA health plans across 50 states and Puerto Rico. We help align internal operations with CMS guidelines to improve regulatory compliance, maximize performance, and streamline member/provider communications across the enterprise. CodySoft® and Membership Suite™, our proprietary suites of software, are designed specifically for health plans.