Leverage Technology & Our BPO Team to Elevate Your Member & Marketing Communications
Health plan communications directors have a tough job. You guide collateral through a creation cycle that includes tracking multiple versions, pushing through numerous bottlenecks, dealing with multiple subject matter experts (SMEs), ensuring regulatory compliance, and coordinating printing and fulfillment. With so many different departments, priorities, and deadlines involved, the material development process can be extremely frustrating.
For those who wish to outsource the creation of their Mandated Materials to a trusted, experienced, cost-effective partner to do the heavy lifting – we’re here to help.
CODY’s Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) team leverages our tech-enabled CodySoft® products and Managed Care consulting experience to create, manage, and produce more efficient, more accurate, and more cost-effective documents than you can do yourself using a manual process.
- Access our best-practices, industry expertise, technology,
and collaborative guidance/tech support - Stay current with CMS guidance, models, and instructions
- Improve regulatory compliance and document accuracy
- Increase efficiencies, reduce cost, stress, and overhead
- Complete ANOCs, EOCs, SBs/SOBs, SBCs weeks ahead of schedule
Our BPO team utilizes our CodySoft® Collateral Management Module® and time-tested procedures for template development and versioning. Template documents are merged with our internal data tools to create plan-specific versions for your review and approval.
Partner With Marketing Compliance Experts
Our goal is the same goal as yours — to produce error-free materials as efficiently as possible. We welcome the challenges of working in complex documents, ensuring accurate benefit descriptions and communicating clearly to plan members. We excel at creating plan-specific documents and versions by merging centralized Source of Truth benefit information and operational language with CMS model documents and other document template types.
By outsourcing your plan document development to CODY, you gain:
- Time to address other priorities: The creation of complex member materials for health plans was how CODY got its start in 2006, and it’s still our expertise. With the risk and penalties involved for document errors and missed deadlines, outsourcing allows health plans to focus on their core competencies, while we focus on ours.
- Expertise: Access to our best practices, and efficient collateral creation workflows
- Better management of resources: Our innovative outsourcing solutions maximize the efficiencies of in-house departments and outsourced services, including managing collateral production and workflow processes.
- Speedier time to market: We enable you to get your materials completed and distributed quickly.
- Reduced costs: Our streamlined processes maximize your time and resources and limit the costs of the creation, print, and fulfillment of member materials, including ANOCs, EOCs, and SBs.
- Total management and project transparency: Since we use our own CodySoft® Collateral Management Module® to create your materials, you have visibility to our progress.
Could You Save a Few Million Dollars a Year?
Numbers don’t lie. In fact, they can give a clearer picture of how better managing the collateral materials creation process can save health plans millions of dollars.
Based on our decades of hands-on experience, we’ve found that most payers, on average, are overspending on their member marketing communications print & fulfillment by 10-15% each year.
For health plans with a million members, cutting a 15% overspend factors to saving $4.8 million a year.